Writing the Message: The Body of Your Email (12/15)
Writing the “Hook” and the Body of Your Email Image Credit-Midjourney What happens if your message is too beefy to fit into the subject line? No problem. Your email already…
Writing the “Hook” and the Body of Your Email Image Credit-Midjourney What happens if your message is too beefy to fit into the subject line? No problem. Your email already…
It all begins with the subject Image Credit-Midjourney The first thing seen in an email is the subject. Since emails are often seen in bunches, your subject line is as…
History suggests that America has had enough! She’s about to turf the reigning rot. America is No Longer Recognizable Measures of national happiness and pride in being an American…
What You Send is What You Receive Image Credit-Midjourney We harp endlessly about email. Our gripes are many, varied, and often justifiable: There’s no subject. I’m cc’d on an email…
Most of us feel overwhelmed by the continuous flow of incoming email and its associated demands for an obvious reason… we get too many! Image Credit-Midjourney Why Do We Receive…
Now you’re ready to go to work! To-do’s, unlike email, must get done. Image Credit-Midjourney To create a practical to-do list, get a pocket-sized pad of paper, and you’ve got…
You’ve got an email Inbox that mirrors a hoarder’s basement – full of junk! This one-time, step-by-step process is like placing a call to 1-800 Email Dumpster – for a…
Email: Either You Manage IT, or IT WILL Manage You! Image Credit-Midjourney Taking complete charge of this insidious time and productivity thief – “email”, offers a lot of freedom and stress…
If you asked most people how much it costs to send an email, they’d probably think you’re joking, but email comes with a price – in fact, a hefty price. …
Our perspective of email is totally dependent on whether we’re the sender or the receiver! Image Credit-Midjourney What Are the Expectations on the Part of the Sender? Right here is…
Email. It’s a blessing because it allows you to work anywhere; it’s a curse because it allows you to work anywhere. Image Credit-Midjourney “Lo! Men have become the tools of…
Email: Either You Manage It, or IT WILL Manage You! Image Credit-Midjourney I’ll never forget the thrill of sending my first fax: “You mean I can just type a letter,…
Image Credit-Midjourney In this 15-part series (see links below) you will learn the insidious effects of mismanaging email and how it affects your time, health, productivity, and quality of life.…
Unravelling the Exercise Paradox Science claims that our workouts burn fewer calories than you think. That I could buy. But when science said walking 5 miles burned the same energy…
Your health is your only tether to staying on this planet. So, here’s a no-brainer way to help make your earthly visit long and healthy. Why You Should Make…
All my life, I used to be one of those guys – someone who could eat anything they wanted and never put on a pound. But then, inexplicably, when I hit my…
For more than 30 years, I have pursued my passion to unravel the riddle of human behaviour to learn how we can take greater control of the hidden forces that…