29 DAYS ... to mastering your "ideal" weight!
Living a healthy lifestyle in our “modern” society, and sincerely enjoying that lifestyle, may be the most difficult challenge we’ll ever face without taking the time to understand and master health.
We wouldn’t expect success without some form of mastery in other things, so why don’t we consider it critical to weight loss and health?
Without mastery we flip flop. We chase after fad diets. We start an exercise program with extreme vigilance only to succumb to a sedentary lifestyle a few of months later. We think the high energy and vitality of our youth is something that is supposed to naturally recede with age.
Well, it’s not. Aging and decrepitude need not go hand in hand. When you learn to master health you can restore much of the lost energy that comes from poor health and a sedentary lifestyle.
When you become a Master of Health you will dramatically improve your body composition, boost your energy levels, and reduce your levels of stress, and the best part it’s not about teeth-gritted effort and willpower. Living health requires that you actually enjoy doing so … because that’s what mastery is all about.

Program Pricing
➤ 29 Day online interactive program – $197
(watch videos for a quick overview)
➤ 1:1 Coaching – 6 weeks includes weekly 30-minute zoom/phone sessions – let’s do a clarity call to discuss.
Developing a workable enjoyable lifestyle to achieve your weight and health goals can often be much easier with the guidance and feedback from a coach who can help you avoid some the the pitfalls that inevitably pop up. As y0ur coach I will help you to achieve clarity, certainty and total independence in your weight management goals.
15 minute Clarity call
➤ Talk about your health and weight-loss goals
➤ See if you need help in designing a lifestyle that will help you achieve and maintain your “ideal” weight
➤ Answer any questions you have about the program and what you can expect