DAILY VIDEOS - 29 Days ... to mastering fitness and health

The following videos will give you brief overview of the 29-Day-Journey of designing and mastering a lifetime of fitness and health

 29 DAYS … to “mastering” a lifetime of  fitness and health

Introduction~ Even though I don’t know you, I’m going to bet that if you haven’t been exercising regularly it’s because you have certain beliefs about what it takes to get fit. You believe it’s too painful, too boring, too expensive, too time consuming, or just not worth the hassle. You’re convinced the effort far outweighs the returns. These are powerful beliefs but they’re not true.

This 29 DAYS … to “mastering” a lifetime of fitness and health! program is going to shatter a number of popular myths about exercise, weight loss and fitness, and in the process, it will show you how to get fit, and stay healthy in a surprisingly easy way that will perfectly adapt to your lifestyl


a.m. – What Can I Expect to Happen Over the Next Twenty-nine days?

Morning Message: Thank you for agreeing to take this exciting journey. In the next four weeks you will make major changes to your present beliefs about exercise that will lead to a lifetime of fitness and health.

How this program works:This program will contact you by email twice each day. At the bottom of each email is a send button. Clicking this button will take you directly to your private, personal home page for your morning or evening’s message.

In twenty-nine days, you will have designed a new lifestyle that will lead to enjoying a lifetime of fitness, health and vitality. Go ahead, hit the “send” button below and let’s get started!

p.m. Aging is Inevitable … But the Rate of Aging is Not!

Evening Message: Did you know that you can slow or even reverse the effects of aging? Hit the “send” button and you’ll see what I mean.


a.m. Why Do We Treat Ourselves with So Little R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

Morning Message: We all know that regular physical exercise is wonderfully beneficial, so what’s stopping us? Hit the “send” button for an interesting story that shows why we avoid exercise – for reasons we’re not even remotely aware of!

p.m. Is Age Just a Number?

Evening Message: Aging is one thing, getting old is something else all together, and the good news is, they do not go hand in hand. In fact, you can have an enormous degree of control over how well you age. So hit the “send” button for some surprising insights on the effects that exercise has on aging.


a.m. The Paradox of Modern Humans

Morning Message:The achievements of modern humans have been nothing short of miraculous. But here’s the thing; these very advancements are making us less and less adaptable to living in our self-created world … unless we consciously practice the same basic tenants that ensured our survival as a species. Click send and let’s see how we can overcome this “modern” paradox.

p.m. The Five Stages of Behavioural Change

Evening Message:This program is about mastery of fitness and health. So let’s find out where you are right now with your “readiness” to make exercise a regular part of your life? 


a.m. It’s Fit, Not Fat, That Determines Your Health (part 1 of 2)

Morning Message: Did you know that it’s how “fit” you are not how “fat” you are when it comes to determining your health?  Hit “send” and let’s see what that actually means!

p.m. What is BMI, and is It a Meaningful Measurement?

Evening Message: It’s not at all uncommon to watch TV or read a newspaper without some mention about the growing obesity epidemic that’s plaguing our modern industrial society. In fact, you’ve probably come across all kinds of things about BMI (body-mass-index) and obesity. But by what criteria is obesity being measured, and is it relevant? You might be surprised at how misleading this measurement is. Hit “send” and let’s check this out.


a.m. It’s Fit, Not Fat, That Determines Your Health (part 2 of 2)

Morning Message: Let’s take a further look at the relationship between “fit” and “fat” and how misleading these terms can be.

Evening Message: “Metabolic Syndrome” is a term you’re going to encounter more frequently each year … especially as you age. Believe it or not, it has a lot to do with physical activity … or the lack thereof! Let’s look at the five risk factors of Metabolic Syndrome and how, through a simple change in lifestyle, you can reduce this malady for a lifetime of health.


a.m. What is Fitness? What Does it Take to Get Fit? How Do I Know if I’m Fit?

Morning Message: So, what is fitness? What does it take to get fit?  My guess is that if I asked ten people these two questions, I would get ten very different answers. So, go ahead, click the “send” button and let’s see what an “eleventh” answer may be! 

p.m. One Small Step Can Change Your Life!

Evening Message: Would you like to know how YOU can easily acquire the exercise habit for life? Let’s see how simple it can be.


a.m. Dopamine, Rewards and Human Behaviour

Morning Message: Did you know you have an automated system in your subconscious brain that will push you toward achieving any outcome you desire? All you have to do to engage this powerful force is to consciously acknowledge that something’s a high priority, and your subconscious mind will go to work to help you achieve your desired result. Let’s see how you can put this power to work.

p.m. Why Do Most Attempts at Behavioural Change Fail?

Evening Message: Do you know why most people fail when it comes to changing unwanted behaviours? Would you like to know how “you” can learn to use the powerful techniques of “kaizen” to achieve any behavioural change you desire? Let’s check out tonight’s message.


a.m. Setting Your Fitness Goals

Morning Message: Welcome to Week-Two: Preparation for Action. You’re going to love the steps of the following seven days. Not only will you get massively prepared for the action steps of week-three, but you’ll be more than anxious to start.

p.m. We’ve Changed Our Day Without Changing Our DNA

Evening Message: Congratulations on formalizing your goals. Tonight we’ll  look at some thoughts on how “humankind’s” storied past holds the simple answers to our health and vitality.


a.m. Understanding Metabolism and It’s Effect on Weight Loss

Morning Message: Today you’re going to start prodding your inner self for some tailor-made tactics that will lead to a lifetime of enjoying regular physical activity. We’re also going to examine metabolism, and how it effects our health and body composition. As you’ll see, small, trivial steps can lead to big changes in a relatively short period of time.

p.m. How Humans “Voluntarily” Burn Energy

Evening Message: Tonight, we’re going to look at the importance of non-exercise activities. In fact, when it comes our general fitness and health, planned exercise may not be nearly as important as what we do when we’re not exercising. 


a.m. Why is Sitting So Damaging?

Morning Message: Are You Guilty of “Sitting” Your Health Away? You may be and you probably don’t even know it. There is “good” sitting and “bad” sitting: Let’s see what defines “good” sitting, “bad” sitting and what you need to do about it.

p.m. Clearly Sitting is Killing Us … But How?

Evening Message: Welcome to the second half of day ten. Let’s take a further look at the dangers of prolonged sitting and why the “bad” kind is so damaging to our health.


a.m. Walking … the Beginning to a Lifetime of Fitness and Health

Morning Message: Let’s see how 10,000, 12,000 and 2,000 link up to the most popular and versatile form of exercise there is … click the link to get started.

p.m. The Importance of “Steps Taken” Versus the “Amount of Time Walked”

Evening Message: Tonight, we’ll take a quick look at the importance of steps taken rather than the amount of time invested in exercising. 


a.m. The Top Ten Excuses People Give for NOT Exercising and Why NONE of Them Hold Any Water!

Morning Message: Today we’re going to look at the ten most popular excuses people have for avoiding regular exercise. Click the “send” button and let’s see if you’ve been using any of these.

p.m. The Big Kahuna of All Excuses for Avoiding Regular Exercise is …

 Evening Message: We’ve seen the top nine excuses people give for avoiding exercise. Do you know the most popular excuse of all?  Click the link below and let’s see if you’re right. 


a.m. A Day in the Life of Sedentary Ryan and a Day in the Life of Active Ryan

Morning Message: Today we’re going to look at the Life of Ryan. In fact, we’re going to look at the life of Ryan from two different perspectives. One Ryan is a practising couch potato … the other is not. The difference in each of their days is minuscule, their results are dramatically different. Let’s see how two similar lives can produce such radically different outcomes. 

p.m. So, What Can I Expect from a Walking Program?

Evening Message: Let’s take a quick look at all the benefits of going for a simple walk.


a.m. Want an Aerobic Workout? Keep Your Heart Rate in the Target Zone

Morning Message: Today is the last day of Preparation for Action Week.Tomorrow you’re going to begin a basic walking routine. To get you started we’re going to look at three different programs and find the one that’s just right for you.

p.m. You’re ready for Action!

Evening Message: You did it! You’re at the halfway point and you are totally ready for action. Since you’re still here that can only mean that you consider your health to be a precious gift that you don’t take for granted. Click the link below for a quick recap of everything you’ve achieved so far.



a.m. There’s No Such Thing as “Good” Fat or “Bad” Fat. Fat’s Fat … Right?

Morning Message: Welcome to Week-Three Action Week. Many people who take a fitness program do so because of their desire to not only be healthy, but because they want to improve their body composition. That’s great, we should all strive to look and be our best. From here on in, we’re going to look at a variety of topics to help you do just that. Today we’re going to look at fat … “good” fat and “bad” fat and what you can do to get rid of the “bad” kind. 

p.m. How Can I Get Rid of Visceral Fat?

Evening Message: Tonight we’re going to take a further look into the simple steps of getting rid of visceral fat … the bad kind.


a.m. Overweight People Have Not Failed … They Have “Been” Failed!

Morning Message: When most people go on a diet to lose weight, they do so with a vengeance. They dramatically cut back on their daily caloric intake and perhaps they’ll even begin an exercise program because they’re on a mission. This method of weight loss never works because it’s built on willpower and determination … the exact opposite of what mastery is all about. Just to be sure you never take this approach to weight loss, let’s see why you Never, ever want to go on a crash diet and what you can do to not only lose excess fat, but more importantly how you can keep it off.

p.m. The Shocking Truth About Weight Loss … and Why You Need to Know!

Evening Message: When we lose fat do you know where it goes? Very few people do know … including most of the medical community! So, where does it go? Click “send” and you’ll find out!


a.m. Does My Set Point Mean I’m Powerless to Lose Weight?

Morning Message: Today we’re going to see how your “set point” plays a major role in your weight … or lack thereof, and more importantly what you can do to control it.

p.m. A Simple Change in Perspective Can Result in a Lifetime of Exercising Joy

Evening Message: Did you know that a simple change in perspective can result in a lifetime of exercising joy? Click “Send” and you’ll see what I mean. 


a.m. The Brake Pedal and Gas Pedal of Appetite

Morning Message: Let’s take a look at the brake pedal and gas pedal of appetite and what you need to do to know to take control!

p.m. We Don’t “Have” to Exercise … but We “HAVE” To Exercise …

Evening Message: The fact is, our bodies cannot function efficiently without regular physical activity, but conversely our minds never evolved to get us moving unless it was part of our daily survival routine. So, how do we escape this catch-22?  Click “Send” and you’ll see! 


Understanding the Miracle Drink: Water and its Power as a Weight-Loss Technique (Part 1 of 3)

Morning Message: Before I understood the power of water, and what it means to be properly hydrated, I only drank something when I felt thirsty and very often what I drank wasn’t water.  But here’s the thing, there is indisputable scientific proof that drinking water is, bar none, the easiest way to fight fat and lose weight. In fact, the latest reports show water is nothing short of a metabolism-boosting, appetite-suppressing miracle. Let’s take a deep dive into understanding this wonder drink.

p.m. Want to Lose Excess Fat? … Then Go Home and Sleep it Off!

Evening Message: If you’ve ever been told to go home and sleep it off it was probably not a good thing. However, if you’re trying to improve your body composition, then go home and sleep it off  … click “send” and you’ll see what I mean!


Understanding the Miracle Drink: Water, Overeating and Dehydration (Part 2 of 3)

Morning Message: Welcome to day twenty. Let’s  continue exploring the critical importance of water to our health, body composition and vitality.

p.m. How to Get Yourself to Drink Enough Water

Evening Message: How much should I drink? … water that is. Hit  “send” and let’s find out.


Understanding the Miracle Drink: Water the Magical Elixir (Part 3 of 3)

Morning Message: Water really is a magical elixir. It’s essentially free, it contains zero calories, and its benefits are practically endless. There are zero disadvantages to drinking plenty of water. There are only benefits and lots of them and ironically, most of us don’t drink nearly as much as we should. So how do we get ourselves to drink enough? That’s what we’re going to find out today.

p.m. What You’ve Achieved So Far!

Evening Message: You’re doing great. Let’s recap all that you’ve accomplished in these first three weeks toward mastering a lifetime of fitness and health.


a.m. Diet and Exercise … the Study and the Purpose

Morning Message: Welcome to Week-Four. You’re on the last leg of mastering fitness and health, and building a healthy lifestyle. This week is titled “Staying the Course” which means you’re going to make the changes in your habits, and beliefs a permanent part of your life.

p.m. Exercise May Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay

Evening Message: Did you know that regular exercise may stave off Alzheimer’s disease? Let’s see how.


a.m. So, How Can I Get Myself to Make Exercise a Habit for Life?

Morning Message: Today we’re going to look at the most critical part toward making exercise a regular part of your day for the rest of your life.

p.m. EXERCISE: What’s Right for You?

Evening Message: There’s likely as many different exercising programs as there are people who exercise. So, what program is going to be just right for you? That’s what we’re going to look at tonight.


a.m. Weaving Activity into Your Life

Morning Message: Let’s consider how you might effortlessly weave some extra activity into your daily lifestyle. 

p.m. How to Lose 12 Pounds of FAT without Counting a Single Calorie!

Evening Message: Would you like to lose a whole lot of fat without having to go on some dreaded diet? In fact, I’m going to show you how you can easily lose 12 pounds of FAT without counting a single calorie.


a.m. Fat: Melt It Off or Burn it Off?

Morning Message: Is there a “best way” to get rid of excess body fat? There is. Click “send” and I’ll show you how.

p.m. Is Aerobic Exercise the Key to Burning Fat?

Evening Message: Let’s take a look at the really dangerous fat … the stuff you can’t see and more importantly how you can get rid of it.


a.m. Why You May Want to Consider Resistance Training

Morning Message: Should you get into any form of weightlifting or resistance training? Let’s see what’s going to be just right for you.

p.m. You’ve Got Gas? … Lucky You, Because this Gas Can Change Your Health

Evening Message: If you’ve got gas, this may be cause for rejoicing! Press “send” to see what I mean!


a.m. The Discovery of HIIT … for Incredible Results

Morning Message: Today we’re going to see what HIIT really means! 

p.m. Can’t Seem to Lose Weight? It’s Because You’re Being Programmed … Only You Don’t Know it!

Evening Message: How would it make you feel to find out that many of us are being programmed by the food industry and we don’t even know it? Let’s see if this includes you!


a.m. Are You Suffering from Text Neck and Forward Head Posture? You Don’t Have To!

Morning Message: Would you like to “look” and “feel” years younger in just a few weeks? You can and I’ll show you how.

p.m. How to Fix Forward Head Posture So You Look and Feel Years Younger in Just a Few Weeks!

Evening Message: Want to look and feel years younger? Follow these simple steps and you will!


a.m. A Successful Life Isn’t a Goal, It’s an Intention

Morning Message: Way to go! You made it. There’s just one more crucial step you’ll need to take to master a lifetime of fitness and health … let’s see what that is.

p.m. It’s all Meaningless Without Your Health

Evening Message: You’ve traveled far. I trust you’ve enjoyed this journey and that you’ll make fitness and health a regular part of your day. Although you now know how to master your fitness and health for life, feel free to come back to your program anytime you feel like you need a quick refresher. Let’s conclude with a few final thoughts.