29 DAYS ... to mastering fitness and health
In the back of your mind, you know that living a sedentary life will eventually result in some unpleasant consequences, and yet, the thought of getting in shape seems equally unpleasant. And so, you put it off, grow another year older and accept the slight aches and pains and shortness of breath as nothing more than the inevitable results of aging.
But aging and infirmity actually have very little do with each other because our long-term health is mainly determined by the lifestyle choices we make throughout our lives.
So if exercise isn’t a regular part of your life, it’s probably because you have false beliefs about what it takes to become physically fit. You believe you must:
- Join a gym and work up a sweat
- Start jogging
- Lift weights
- Workout at an anaerobic pace at least five days a week
- Set aside at least 60 minutes a day for a continual uninterrupted workout
These are powerful beliefs, but none of them are true.
Most of us wish that we could take a “magic pill” that would give us all the benefits of a workout without having to do it. This program is that “magic pill” with one exception; you’ll go from thinking that exercise is a difficult, painful experience, to embracing it as one of the most enjoyable times of your day.
Status, image, money, power, and worldly possessions are all meaningless if you’ve lost your health. This program — that’s based on common sense and supported by scientific evidence — will show you that getting fit and being healthy can be surprisingly easy. In fact, when regular exercise becomes a natural and enjoyable part of your day — no matter how hectic or harried your life may be — then you’ve achieved exercise mastery

Program Pricing
➤ 29 Day online interactive program – $197
(Watch videos for a quick overview)
➤ 1:1 Coaching – 6 weeks includes weekly 30-minute zoom/phone sessions – let’s do a clarity call to discuss.
Developing a workable, enjoyable lifestyle, that makes regular exercise a natural part of your day, can often be much easier with the guidance and feedback from a coach, because I can absolutely help you avoid some the the pitfalls that inevitably pop up when making major changes to our habit and behaviors.
15 minute Clarity call
➤ Talk about your health and weight-loss goals
➤ See if you need help in designing a lifestyle that will help you achieve and maintain your “ideal” weight
➤ Answer any questions you have about the program and what you can expect